R/V Palmer, 03/24/07
March 24, 2007: We are on our way home! The growing distance between sea ice and the Nathaniel B. Palmer …
March 24, 2007: We are on our way home! The growing distance between sea ice and the Nathaniel B. Palmer …
March 18, 2007: We were on station when I woke up this morning. I pulled back my curtains to the …
March 15, 2007: “Hey…Rachael….” I was facing my computer screen and turned toward the voice behind me in time to …
March 11, 2007: We are still motoring through grey skies and iceberg laden seas along the shelf break, where the …
March 07, 2007: Yesterday morning, wearing hard hats and orange “float coats”, my watch mates and I gathered on deck …
February 27, 2007: 73° 42.32’S, 107° 10.29’W We finally found an ice floe large, thick and icy enough to install …
February 26, 2007: 2/26/2007, 16:56 (GMT) -74 deg. 55.5’N, 104 deg. 32’E -10.8C (air temp sans wind chill) We recovered …
February 24, 2007: -74°01.3’ N, -106°52.7’E 947 mBar, -5 C (-14°C windchill) date: 2/25/2007, 1:00 a. (ship time) date: 2/24/2007, …
February 20, 2007: lat/lon: [-73° 01′ N, -115° 19′ E] date: 2/21/2007, ~4:30. (ship time) date: 2/20/2007, 13:34. (GMT) The …
February 18, 2007: [72.21 S, 132.16 W] Our first sunset came yesterday evening with a blaze of fiery colors. I …